Website of the Eurométropole Metz Congress Office

Website of the Eurométropole Metz Congress Office

  • The Congress Center of Metz
  • The Pompidou-Metz Center
  • Cathedral of Metz
  • Metz Station
  • Metz beach
  • Christmas market
Hotels open in Metz Métropole
Certain hotels in Metz Métropole are open, allowing business and leisure travel for individuals travelling for work or leisure. Looking to book? Here is a list of establishments open to the public in Metz Métropole and its surroundings.   Download the list of (...)
  • Congress Center

    Located in the Amphitheater District of Metz, located at the exit of the TGV station, facing the Pompidou-Metz Center, the Robert Cchuman Congress Center participates in the economic development of Metz Eurométropole and the attractiveness of the city.

    This building, designed by renowned architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte, stands for a real bond between the new Amphiteatre District and the historic center of Metz...

More events
  • 14Feb
    The Council of Europe relocates its 37th monitoring committee to Metz
    On 11th February 2020, a working session of the Council of Europe (Congress of Local and Regional Authorities) was held in the deliberation room of the Hôtel de la Région in Metz. An important event for the business destination and an opportunity to welcome 100 participants (...)
  • 23Sep
    Metz Métropole, on the way to a new certification
    After hosting the G7 Environment, Oceans and Energy event in May, certified ISO 20121, Metz Métropole is embarking on an ISO certification process for "responsible international destination". With the creation of the Inspire Metz agency, Metz Métropole is determined to become (...)
  • 16Jul
    The 14th national SCOT Meetings
    THE NEW SCOT MEETINGS (TERRITORIAL COHERENCE SCHEMES) TOOK PLACE IN METZ FROM 26 TO 28 JUNE 2019 AT METZ CONGRESS CENTRE ROBERT SCHUMAN. About 300 participants, public and private actors, elected officials and technicians, from all over metropolitan France and overseas (...)
  • 12Jul
    The 5th edition of the PROLOG International Conference in Metz
    Having hosted the G7 Environment, Oceans and Energy in May, Metz hosted an international event on the supply chain and processes associated with this sector of activity, which continues to be constantly competitive. The meeting was held at the IAE (Institut de l'Administration (...)